The oxygen and combustible gas dual component analyzer is an efficient gas detection instrument that can simultaneously detect the oxygen content and combustible gas concentration in the environment. Qhov ntsuas siv zirconia sensor thev naus laus zis, uas muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev rhiab siab, siab precision thiab zoo ruaj khov. It can monitor the gas concentration in real time and display the data in digital form, so that users can quickly understand the gas environment status.

The oxygen and combustible gas dual component analyzer is composed of multiple components, each of which has different functions and characteristics. Cia peb kawm txog lawv ua ke.
1. Sensor. Lub sensor yog cov tseem ceeb rau kev ntsuas cov ntsiab lus cov ntsiab lus thiab sib txuas ua ke roj. Rau kev ntsuas pa oxygen, zirconiagen sensorfeem ntau yog siv, uas tsim hluav taws xob cov paib rawsntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm oxygen thiab elecondodes. Rau cov kev ntsuas roj sib txuas, ntau hom ntawm cov sensors tuaj yeem siv tau, xws li catalytic profusion sensors lossis infrared sensors.
2. Tso saib thiab tswj vaj huam sib luag. Cov zaub feem ntau nyob ntawm sab xub ntiag ntawm lub ntsuas thiab yog siv los ua cov kev ntsuas kev ntsuas thiab lwm cov ntaub ntawv cuam tshuam. Tus tswj hwm vaj huam sib luag yog nruab nrog ntau lub nyees khawm thiab pob qhov rooj rau kev teeb tsa hom ua haujlwm thiab kho cov tsis ua haujlwm.
3. Lub twj tso kua mis lossis ntsuas cov qauv. Qhov kev tivthaiv no yog siv los kos cov pa roj kom ntsuas los ntawm ib puag ncig yuav tsum tau ntsuas mus rau hauv qhov ntsuas kom ntsuas. Lub twj tso kua mis lossis cov qauv piv txwv tuaj yeem ua kom cov ntws thiab ruaj khov ntawm cov pa roj kom tau txais kev ntsuas ntsuas qhov ntsuas tau.
4. Cov Ntaub Ntawv Cia thiab Kev Sib Kis Lub Tshuab. These systems allow users to save measurement data internally or transmit it to external devices wirelessly or by wire for subsequent analysis and documentation .
Feem ntau, ntau yam sib xyaw ntawm covCov pa thiab hluav taws xob roj ob-tiv thaiv analyzer Ua haujlwm ua ke los muab cov ntsiab lus muaj tseeb thiab txhim khu kev qha thiab cov roj sib txuas tau zoo. The instrument has the characteristics of fast response, high accuracy, easy to use and portability, and has broad application prospects in fields such as environmental monitoring, industrial safety and gas detection.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Mar-03-2025